We work with more than cabin refurbishment, system upgrades, and technical experts. We work with visionaries.

Jacques Pierrejean
Founder and President
Pierrejean Vision, Paris, France
“It was a real pleasure working for Camber on many projects. We appreciate their energy, team spirit and enthusiasm for each project they undertake. Professionalism and total respect of the client expectations: the key to success!”

Yves Pickardt
Aircraft Interior Designer
Alberto Pinto, Paris, France
“There is nothing like being supported by a highly competent partner when tackling a sensitive project. This was the case with Mr. Tom Chatfield, who enabled me to complete the outfitting of an Airbus A319 CJ for a very demanding Asian customer without any major difficulties. My very modern design posed new challenges, which I was able to meet, thanks to my collaboration with Tom. I hope to repeat this experience with him as soon as possible.”

Herman Bauer
Executive Director
AeroVisto, St Gallen, Switzerland
“Excellence in Detail”
“Camber Aviation is at the top of Champions League of Business Aviation. Camber is characterised by perfect project management, exceptional expertise and a unique teamwork focused approach.“