Testing, Certification and Delivery
Cabin installation is the busiest part of the completion process, with multiple teams working to complete their tasks in preparation for the start of ground testing. Before the aircraft can fly, exhaustive testing is performed to ensure all cabin systems function correctly and confirm other aircraft systems have not been affected by the cabin installation. Throughout this process, the Camber team inspects all parts of the interior to make certain that quality standards and contractual specifications have been met.
The regulatory authority will send inspectors to observe functional testing, review final drawing changes, and participate in certification flight testing. Cabin certification is only achieved when all of the documents are complete and all testing is successful. Following the completion of certification ground and flight testing, the Camber Team conducts its own detailed technical acceptance program including final physical inspections, ground functional tests, and flight testing of the aircraft.
The completion centre is advised of all findings, however small, for correction prior to technical acceptance. The completed aircraft is then ready for delivery to our very happy client and, with Camber’s Entry into Service Support, the start of operations begins.